Reagan Harvey Character Counts Scholarship

For donations, questions or information please contact one of the following:

Donations are tax deductible!  You can make a donation by mail.  100% of all donations will be used for scholarships or event related costs.  All checks should be made payable to WC Challenger Charities with "Character Counts" in the memo.  WC Challenger Charities is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

2023 Sponsorship Levels

Community Sponsor:  ANY AMOUNT

Entertainment Sponsor:  $600

Award Sponsor: $600

Donor:  Up $1 to $2,499

Sponsor: $2,500


Dinner Sponsor:  $3,500

Please mail checks to:

Stephens, Bastian and Cartwright, LP
Attn: Character Counts
2351 South FM 51, ste 300
Decatur, TX 76234